Thursday 28 March 2013

What is rootkit

Rootkits are programs created to allow other malware programs to hide in plain sight. Rootkit are designed to hide from detection by users and computer security programs. Therefore they don't show up in windows Explorer, the running processes don't display in the windows Task manager, and many anti-virus programs can't find rootkit - hidden malware.

Rootkit bury themselves deep into an operating system and once the program is installed on a system, it is extremely difficult to detect.

Attackers uses rootkit to hide their malicious software, which can be from spyware to Keylogger software that steals sensitive information from your computer. Rootkits allow hackers to remotely record, modify, steal and transfer any information entered or stored on your computer disabling some PC firewalls and evading some traditional security products.

How to avoid rootkit infections

  • The best means of protection against rootkit infections is by having active and update anti-virus software. 
  • You're less likely to be infected by rootkits if you're running 64 bit Windows. Statistics show that only 1% of windows 64 bit users are affected by rootkits, and that most of the rootkit infections occur on 32 bit windows operating system.

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