Thursday 28 March 2013

what is a computer worm

A computer worms are malicious programs that replicate, execute, and spread across the network connections independently with human interaction. Most of the worms are created only to replicate and spread across a network, consuming available computer resources; however, some worms carry a payload to damage the host system.

Attackers use worm payload to install backdoors in infected computers, which turns them into zombies and creates botnet; these botnets can be used to carry further cyber attacks.

Difference between a worm and a virus
A worm is a special type of malware that can replicate itself and use memory, but cannot attach itself to other programs. A worm takes advantages of file or information transported features on computer systems and spreads through the infected network automatically but virus does not.

Notorious worms
Conficker, also known as Downup/Downadup is a computer worm that infects computers and spreads itself to other computers across a network automatically, without human interaction.

How to stay safe from computer worms
  • Having Anti-spyware, Firewall or Anti Virus software active on your PC will provide protection against all known types of worms, but they must all be kept up-to-date with new virus definitions at least every few days. You also need to be wary of opening unexpected email, running attached files or programs or visiting web sites that are linked to such emails.
  • Block the file with more than one file type extension.
  • Be cautious of the file being sent through instant messenger IM

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